
For ensuring the safe exchange of date between the server which hosts the website and the visitor, we use SSL. This creates an encrypted connection between those two, which prevent them from being intercepting by malicious users.

Personal Data Collection Policy

When sending a message using the contact form of the website or any other form included in it, the user must input some personal information like: Name, Surname, Telephone, e-mail address, etc.

In some cases, personal information may be also required to grant access in specific provided services.

Complying with the legislation about Keeping File of Personal Data, none of the information given regarding the above cases is revealed to third parties and it is not being published by any way or being the subject of exploitation.

If the information is going to be stored to the database of the website, you will have to accept the privacy policy before submitting them.

This piece of information will be used only to the point deemed necessary for:

  • fulfilling the terms and obligations of each used service that is provided to the users
  • the informative support of the users
  • choice of the content that is offered to the users, so it will be related to their general preferences
  • satisfaction of each of the user’s demands about provided services
  • keeping the users updated about the new services
  • serving the smooth operation of the website
  • contacting with the website visitors

The only exceptions that the personal information of the users may be shared, are the following:

  • When there is a direct approval of the users to publish by any way needed their personal information
  • Where disclosure is made to cooperating third natural or legal persons and only to the extent necessary for the provision of the service
  • If required by law, by a court order or requested by any other state or regulatory authority

Correction – Deletion of Personal Information

Users have the ability to ask for any of their personal information to be deleted, from the website’s database, by sending an e-mail or by filling up a contact form. In some cases there may be an option to do it by themselves.

IP Addresses

The IP address is provided by the Internet Provider and used by the user’s PC to access the internet therefore the website.

In some cases the IP address is stored for technical and security reasons and it may be also used for collecting data for statistical analysis.

In case that the IP address is available, it may be shared, upon request in accordance with the Law provided for, by the competent police or judicial authorities or other state authorities

Subscription/Deletion of Users

In case the website has user registration enabled (e.g. eshop), the registered user has the option using the account maintenance options to delete it.

Violation of Personal Information

In case that there will be a breach of a user profile, the particular user will be informed from an automated system via e-mail, within 72 hours.


By subscribing to the Newsletter, the user is accepting that the website may send him informative e-mails as long as his subscription remains active.

The deletion of information provided by the user during e-mail registration can be requested at any time using the corresponding button provided or by sending an e-mail or filling up a contact form.

Additionally, every user can unsubscribe from a specific mailing list, using the corresponding option that is provided at the bottom of each newsletter received via e-mail.

Additional Information

In case you have more questions about the privacy policy of the website, you can send us an e-mail or fill up a contact form.